Multidimensional Restorative Justice For Everyone, EU AGIS programme - 2006-2008
Beneficiary organization: Strichting Eigen Kracht Centrale – The Netherlands; Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology - Romania; University of Public Administration - Brema; Magyar- Német Alapítvány (Hungarian-German Foundation) - Hungary, Family, Child, Youth Association – Hungary.
The aim of the programme is to help successfully adopt mediation, gather and disseminate European best practices in this field. A comprehensive theoretical and empirical research (10/2006) will be conducted to explore the attitudes towards Restorative Justice of those involved in law enforcement and non-professionals, and the reasons of their support / rejection, with special regards to juvenile delinquency, domestic violence, and bullying.
You have right! - CRC – Anti-Discrimination Grant - 2008-2009
According to a UNICEF study 23% of the Hungarian children are not aware of one of the children’s rights, although the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) has been ratified by Hungary and since 1991 it is part of our legal system. About the knowledge of the professionals working with children on Children’s Rights no study has been made.
In the framework of „The Civil Society and the Implementation of the Anti- discrimination Act” Programme co-financed by the European Union Pre-Accession Funds our Association (Family, Child, Youth Association -FCYA) has obtained a grant and developed a project called “Van jogod!” (“You have the right”).
We developed training programs and piloted it on the rights of the child to prevent discrimination and raise awareness on its importance.
![]() Győrfi Éva – Herczog Mária – Kőműves Ágnes Gyermekjogokról felnőtteknek (About Children's Rights for Adults) |
![]() Győrfi Éva – Herczog Mária – Kőműves Ágnes Gyermekjogokról gyerekeknek (About Children's Rights for Children) |
We prepared two Handbooks. One of which for the use of the professionals working with children helping them with domestic examples which they can use is their every day work (I have rights, you have rights, he/she has rights… About Children’s Rights for Adults). The other handbook a child friendly one helping children getting information on their rights, on discrimination and techniques how to prevent the latter (I have rights, you have rights, he/she has rights… About Children’s Rights for Children).
We translated and published the fully revised third edition of the Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child prepared for UNICEF by Rachael Hodgkin and Peter Newell into Hungarian. Of which we published 1000 copies with a supplementing CD and also made it available for download on our website:
Kézikönyv a Gyermekjogi Egyezmény alkalmazásához8.29 MB
L-IFE - Innovation for Employment, Leonardo da Vinci Programme - 2008-2010
Beneficiary organization: National Care Advisory Service - UK, Middlesbrough Leaving Care Service - UK, North Lincolnshire Leaving Care Service - UK, Academy of Management - Poland, Irish Association of Young People in Care - Ireland, Centre for Promoting Lifelong Learning - Romania.
Young people who have been in care often struggle to succeed in employment. Innovation for Employment is a European Union funded employability project for care leavers. The partners have developed a shared model of social and emotional well-being training for care leavers that has been piloted and evaluated across all the countries. In addition, each partner country has developed its own employability model, providing work skills, experience and career support to care leavers.
Prevent and Combat Child Abuse, Daphne programme - 2010-2012
Beneficiary organization: Verwey-Jonker Institute-The Netherlands, Deutsche Jugendinstitut-Germany, Orebro Regional Development Council – Sweden, Family Child Youth Association – Hungary, CESIS, centre for studies on social interventions – Portugal.
The project will run for two years. The first phase of the project will be focused at describing the policy and practice concerning the prevention of child abuse at different policy levels in the participating countries. This will lead to an overview and a report on the situation in these countries. The second phase will be research into the experiences of parents (and children) with the programmes and policies preventing child abuse. The third phase of the project will be concentrating on identifying the effective elements of preventing child abuse based on the experiences in the participating countries and the outcomes of the evaluation with parents and children. The result of the project will be a manual on what works in preventing and combating child abuse, looking at the whole scope from prevention to treatment. In the final phase the focus will be on the dissemination of all these results in the partner countries.
Child abandonment and its Prevention in Europe, Daphne Programme III. - 2010-2012
Beneficiary organization: Institute of Work, Health and Organisations - UK, Nobody’s Children Foundation - Poland, Children’s High Level Group – Romania, Institute of Psychology, University of Copenhagen – Denmark, University of Lyon – France, Family, Child, Youth Association – Hungary, For Our Children Foundation – Bulgaria, SOCIA -Social Reform Foundation – Slovakia, “Life Together” Association - Czech Republic, Paramos vaikams centras – Lithuania.
The project is focusing on the different ways child abandonment can be prevented and how in the different countries of Europe the legislation, practice, training of professionals, and data collection takes place.
1. Brochure
2. Child abandonment and its prevention across Europe - Questionnaire addressed to the representatives of local authorities (download here)
3. Child abandonment and its prevention across Europe - Questionnaire addressed to maternity ward staff (download here)
4. Daphne III proposal on 'CHILD ABANDONMENT IN EUROPE AND ITS PREVENTION' (download here)